Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Trade. East and West

Trade between East and West, Continually occuring has been for hundereds of years (apparently), Makes my life normal, without it how would i buy my mangos? What i find interesting is how we ever functioned without all these goods that are so readily available, that are so normal- especially to my generation. I mean who cares about a pineapple? i don't. But if i want one and i MAY just want one in the next 20 years, I can pick one up for £2 and i'm reaassured by this fact.

This reassureance is due to how stable i view trade. However this is far from when trade first began and how trading infact destablised existing cultures due to the availability of new goods. Europeans saw the easten world reacted to trading and whether the western world were intimmidated by some of the skills used or how quickly there cultures reacted to trade- the western world lplayed down these existing cultures as primitive. Which is reflected by art work being produced at the time. Pablo Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 was heavily based on African masks- But instead of picking the masks that were made with skill and metal work he based it on the most primative looking masks, in essense downgrading African art on a whole. Picasso and the Western world down played the Eastern world to a point where hundereds of years later many europeans still uphold similar perspectives.


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